Reachout World Day Prayer March

Prayer Stream (Not you? Click here)
You are logging in to self Prayer Stream
Invite Others To Pray With You

Share Your Link and get Others Praying! Invite your friends, family, collegues and everyone you can reach within your contacts, social spaces and neighbourhoods. Every minute spent in prayer will add up to glorious results!

Track Those praying With You

One Billion Minutes Prayer Platform on Mystreamspace allows you to track those praying with you. Copy and share your unique link with everyone you invite and let them pray with you or at their convenience.

Organise Prayer Outreaches

Organise Prayer Meetings. Offllne or Online Prayer events using the Video Conferencing feature. Take a snapshot and upload on the "Manual Upload" Feature.

COMING SOON: Boost With Qubads!

To reach more people beyond your sphere of contacts, boost your reach with qubads! Your Ad will reach more people to join you pray